The following list is the books we brought up while on the air on Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs. . .

Constitution Radio Book of the Week: 

March 7, 2015: Goldwater, Barry - Conscience of a Conservative

February 28, 2015: Barton, David - Original Intent: The Courts, The Constitution, & Religion

February 8, 2014: Burnham, David - A Law Unto Itself: The IRS and the Abuse of Power

February 1, 2014: Barton, David - Benjamin Rush, Signer of the Declaration of Independence

January 25, 2014: No book discussed.

January 18, 2014: Mobley, G.R. - We The People, Whose Constitution Is It Anyway?

January 11, 2014: Schweizer, Rochelle - She's the Boss: The Disturbing Truth About Nancy Pelosi

January 4, 2014: Limbaugh, David - Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christianity

December 28, 2013: Miller, Emily - Emily Gets Her Gun, But Obama Wants To Take Yours

December 21, 2013: No book discussed.

December 14, 2013: Blair, Tom - Poorer Richard's America, What Would Ben Say?

December 7, 2013: Goldwater, Barry - The Conscience of a Conservative

November 30, 2013: Van Dyke, Henry - Out-of-Doors in the Holy Land

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