Upcoming Events:  2018
Events format has changed - see "Calander of Events"                         See past Events  Here 
Constitution Classes:

The President of the Constitution Association hosts Constitution Classes at the following locations:

Tuesdays, Corona: 6:00 pm, AllStar Collision, 522 Railroad Street

 Wednesdays, 6 pm,  Republican Headquarters,  28120 Jefferson Ave., Temecula

Second Thursday of each month, Banning: 5:00 pm, Farm's House Restaurant, 6261 Joshua Palmer Way, Banning, CA 92220

Second Monday of each month in Norco at Sons of Liberty

Free Pocket Constitution and Handouts given to all participants.
Classes are free of charge, but monetary gifts are welcome.
Instructor is: Douglas V. Gibbs   www.douglasvgibbs.com



  Douglas V. Gibbs hosts radio programs at the following locations:

Saturdays at 1:00 pm: Constitution Radio with Douglas V. Gibbs, hosted by Douglas V. Gibbs, Dennis Jackson and Alex Ferguson   KMET 1490AM
 Saturdays at 2:00 am:  Conservative Voice Radio,  host Douglas V. Gibbs, leads a roundtable discussion between  members from
Banning- Beamount-Cherry Valley Tea Party (Glenn, Jan, Diane)  KMET 1490AM 
If you can't get the show on your radio dial tune in to:   www.kmet1490am.com
  Constitution Study Radio Podcast    www.BlogTalkRadio.com/politicalpistachio  
(Past episodes are available, new episodes coming soon)

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